Watch Me Grow Early Learning Centre | (03) 9801 2676
1 Alderford Drive, Wantirna, Victoria 3152
At Watch Me Grow Early Learning Centre each room has a monthly program written by a Diploma Qualified Room Leader. Our programs are emergent and reflect all areas of the Early Years Learning Framework, with the Kinder program following the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and running more frequently as needed. The program is broken down into the sections as seen in the image below. The learning experiences and follow up activities planned for the month are guided by the children's interests and developmental needs. We also offer an indoor/outdoor program everyday (weather permitting).
Our program evidence is documented in our floor books and posted through daily images and children's observations on our observation platform Kinderloop.

‘The Floorbook Approach is an innovative child-led approach to observation, documentation and planning which is now implemented in settings around the world. By listening to children and identifying their interests we can create a unique learning opportunity which excites and interests children.
Floorbooks are blank books where we can record children’s voices and their ideas to use in our planning. Group writing in a Floorbook allows shared thinking as children recall each others ideas and record them through writing, diagrams and photographs. This child centred approach records the evidence of the process of play and the learning that comes from it.’ Claire Warden (Mindstretchers)
We have Floorbooks available in all rooms for Educators and children to document learning experiences together. These may be spontaneous learning based input from the child, family and/or educator or a project the children and educator's are completing together... the opportunities are endless!
See some examples of our Floorbooks below:

Introducing you to our online platform - Kinderloop.
Every day you will receive photos of you child/ren engaging in play as well as their daily routine information i.e. meals, sleeps, bottles and sunscreen. Educators also share your children's learning stories, follow up observations and developmental milestone documentation directly to Kinderloop, creating an online portal of your child/ren's learning journey.
Kinderloop is also a great way to keep families up to date with events happening at the service.

Your Kinderloop is a safe, secure and private communication tool
Your Kinderloop is a closed and private loop, we own/control all content and who is invited.
Linked family members are only sent information relating to their child/ren.
You can link as many family members as you choose to your child/ren's private Kinderloop account.
Your Kinderloop content is 100% private and backed up every second, it's only shared by you!
Keep up to date with messages from Educators and share your input by commenting on posts.
Post your family input directly onto Kinderloop for Educators to implement in their programming.
Kinderloop can be accessed on a web browser and a phone application so you can catch up on your child's day in your own time.
Approved by accreditation assessors, helping services to
exceed in their documentation.